the modrunner logo


Last updated August 31, 2022


This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, store, protect, and share your personal information through our services.

It's important that you read this entire policy, but here's a summary to get you started:

  • We only use information on an "as-needed" basis. Modrunner only collects information already available from Discord and only the information it needs to offer our services.
  • We don't sell your data. Selling personal data is for overlord tech giants like Google and Facebook.

Modrunner was created to better fulfill a purpose that not many other bots do particularly well: offer search and update tracking services for your favorite Minecraft projects hosted on some of the most popular websites for finding Minecraft community content.

Our "services" has the same meaning as defined in the Terms of Service. They include the Modrunner Discord bot application, which can be accessed within the official Discord app, available on mobile, web, or desktop. We also have a website, offering easy access to additional information about our services.

As explained in our Terms of Service, we allow users to interact with our services only within Discord "servers", which are often public spaces. While you cannot create content using our services, your search queries and the names of the projects you access using our services can be accessed by people you may not know.

Our services are free to use, and we do not charge money for access to them. We will never sell or share your personal information to third parties.

The information we collect

Modrunner collects certain information when you interact with it (by using slash commands, for example). This includes information you provide to us, information we collect automatically, and information we receive from other sources.

Information you provide to us

  • Command parameter inputs. Modrunner's slash commands require varying additional input, for example the search query when you use the /search command. We don't store this information, but Discord does. Refer to Discord's Privacy Policy to learn more.

Information we collect automatically

We also collect information automatically from you when you use Modrunner. This includes:

  • Information about the server you're in. We collect the unique ID number assigned to your server by Discord, as well as the unique ID numbers of the text channels that project update notifications will be posted to. Additionally, your server's name and ID number is logged when you add Modrunner to your server.

Information we receive from other sources

We don't. All the possible information that we collect about you comes from Discord.

How we use your information

We use your information for the following purposes:

To fulfill our contract with you

  • To provide you with the services. We use your information to provide you with Modrunner's services. For example, we use your server's ID to track which projects are being tracked for updates in your server, and we use channel IDs to track which channels to post update notifications to.
  • To provide user support. We sometimes use your information to investigate bugs or other issues with Modrunner, or to respond to questions about Modrunner.

How we share your information

We don't need to, so we don't. Period.

Data retention

We retain your information for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which we collected it.

If your server is determined to be inactive or detrimental to the performance of Modrunner, we may manually remove your information at our discretion. An attempt will be made to warn you about the removal of your information prior to said removal.

How we protect your information

We take a number of steps to help protect your information. All stored information on Modrunner's server is properly secured from unauthorized tampering, and any information sent using Discord is subject to Discord's data protection policy. See here to learn more.

How to control your privacy

While Modrunner does not store much, if any, personally-identifying information, we are committed to the notion that users should have full control of their "digital footprint". To that end, any request for deletion of your data will be honored to the best of our ability, promptly and completely.

For control of your Discord-specific information, see here.

International data transfers

We are based in the United States, and we process and store information on servers located in the United States. By accessing or using our services or otherwise providing information to us, you understand that your information will be processed, transferred, and stored in the U.S., where different data protection standards may apply/or you may not have the same rights as you do under local law.

Services offered by third parties

Modrunner is compliant with Discord's Developer Terms of Service and Developer Policy. Please consult these two sources for additional information.

Modrunner does not offer its information to third parties, however all the information it collects is easily accessible through Discord by any other third party. Be mindful of whom you grant access to your information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will always indicate the date the last changes were published, and if changes are significant, we'll provide a more prominent notice as required by law, such as posting an announcement in Modrunner's official announcement channel in our Discord server.

Contact us

For any questions, comments or concerns about this policy, please reach out to us at [email protected].

You can also contact us in our official Discord server, CyberMechanics Guild.