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Add a project to tracking using its project ID. Tracked projects are monitored for new file uploads, upon which a notification is sent into a specified channel in Discord, optionally with a role to ping when sending a notification.


/track [project_id] <channel> <role>

  • project_id (required) - the ID of the project you want to track.
  • channel (optional) - the channel you want the project's updates to be posted to. If not specified, will default to the channel the command was used in.
  • role (optional) - a role that you want Modrunner to ping when posting an update notification for this project

You can get a project's ID from its project page on the Modrinth or CurseForge website, or by using the Search command.


You can add more than one role to notify running the command again with the same project ID and channel, and specifying a different role.